Current status and future directions for a neurotoxicity hazard assessment framework that integrates approaches.
Title | Current status and future directions for a neurotoxicity hazard assessment framework that integrates approaches. |
Publication Type | Journal Article |
Year of Publication | 2022 |
Authors | Crofton KM, Bassan A, Behl M, Chushak YG, Fritsche E, Gearhart JM, Marty MSue, Mumtaz M, Pavan M, Ruiz P, Sachana M, Selvam R, Shafer TJ, Stavitskaya L, Szabo DT, Szabo ST, Tice RR, Wilson D, Woolley D, Myatt GJ |
Journal | Comput Toxicol |
Volume | 22 |
Date Published | 2022 May |
ISSN | 2468-1113 |
Abstract | Neurotoxicology is the study of adverse effects on the structure or function of the developing or mature adult nervous system following exposure to chemical, biological, or physical agents. The development of more informative alternative methods to assess developmental (DNT) and adult (NT) neurotoxicity induced by xenobiotics is critically needed. The use of such alternative methods including approaches that predict DNT or NT from chemical structure (e.g., statistical-based and expert rule-based systems) is ideally based on a comprehensive understanding of the relevant biological mechanisms. This paper discusses known mechanisms alongside the current state of the art in DNT/NT testing. approaches available today that support the assessment of neurotoxicity based on knowledge of chemical structure are reviewed, and a conceptual framework for the integration of methods with experimental information is presented. Establishing this framework is essential for the development of protocols, namely standardized approaches, to ensure that assessments of NT and DNT based on chemical structures are generated in a transparent, consistent, and defendable manner. |
DOI | 10.1016/j.comtox.2022.100223 |
Alternate Journal | Comput Toxicol |
PubMed ID | 35844258 |
PubMed Central ID | PMC9281386 |
Grant List | R44 ES026909 / ES / NIEHS NIH HHS / United States |