Key Publications

1. Jasmine, Divyeksha H. Baraiya, Kavya T.T, Aparna Mandal, Shreya Chakraborty, Neha Sathish, Cynthia Francis, Diya Binoy Joseph*. Epithelial and mesenchymal compartments of the developing bladder and urethra display spatially distinct gene expression patterns. Dev Biol. 2025 Jan 9;520:155-170. (*corresponding author)

2. Diya B. Joseph, Gervaise H. Henry, Alicia Malewska, Jeffrey C. Reese, Ryan J. Mauck, Jeffrey C. Gahan, Ryan C. Hutchinson, James L. Mohler, Claus G. Roehrborn, Douglas W. Strand. ‘5-alpha reductase inhibitors induce a prostate luminal to club cell transition in human benign prostatic hyperplasia.’ Journal of Pathology (2022), 256(4), 427-441 PubMed: 349284972.

3. Diya B. Joseph, Gervaise H. Henry, Alicia Malewska, Jeffrey C. Reese, Ryan J. Mauck, Jeffrey C. Gahan, Ryan C. Hutchinson, Venkat S. Malladi, Claus G. Roehrborn, Chad M. Vezina, Douglas W. Strand. ‘Single cell analysis of mouse and human prostate reveals novel fibroblasts with specialized distribution and microenvironment interactions.’ Journal of Pathology (2021); 255:2, 141-154 PMID: 34173975

4. Diya B. Joseph, Gervaise H. Henry, Alicia Malewska, Nida S. Iqbal, Hannah M. Ruetten, Anne E. Turco, Lisa L. Abler, Simran K. Sandhu, Mark T. Cadena, Venkat S. Malladi, Jeffrey C. Reese, Ryan J. Mauck, Jeffrey C. Gahan, Ryan C. Hutchinson, Claus G. Roehrborn, Linda A. Baker, Chad M. Vezina, Douglas W. Strand. ‘Urethral luminal epithelia are castration-insensitive cells of the proximal prostate.’ Prostate (2020); 80, 872-884 PMID: 32497356

5. Gervaise H. Henry, Alicia Malewska, Diya B. Joseph, Venkat S. Malladi, Jeon Lee, Jose Torrealba, Ryan J. Mauck, Jeffrey C. Gahan, Claus G. Roehrborn, Gary C. Hon, Jeffrey C. Reese, Ryan C. Hutchinson, Chad M. Vezina, Douglas W. Strand. ‘A Cellular Anatomy of the Normal Adult Human Prostate and Prostatic Urethra’ Cell Reports (2018); 25, 3530–3542 PMID: 30566875

6. Diya B. Joseph, Anoop S. Chandrashekar, Lisa L. Abler, Li-Fang Chu, James A. Thomson, Cathy Mendelsohn, and Chad M. Vezina. ‘In vivo replacement of damaged bladder urothelium by Wolffian duct epithelial cells.’ PNAS (2018); 115, 8394-8399 PMID: 30061411

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